strategic clarity //


strategic clarity // *

I can see clearly now
— Bill Withers

For more than 20 years of my life, my first action when I opened my eyes in the morning was to grope around for my glasses. Without them, the world was an indistinct blur. A dangerous obstacle course to negotiate at my peril. 

From the age of 13 to 40, my glasses saved me. And then we booked a family holiday to Vietnam… 

My children were 8 and 10 and this was our first long-haul, exotic adventure together. And it suddenly struck me that I didn’t want a single moment of it to be indistinct or blurred. I wanted the experience to be in glorious, ultra-high definition from the moment I opened my eyes every morning. And so I got laser eye surgery. 

To open your eyes and see not fuzzy, vague shapes, but a crisply defined, richly coloured, vibrant world is what the right strategy can do for your business.

You’ve been groping around until now. But with Strategic Clarity you can move forward with confidence, boldness and purpose.

How do you get this organisational equivalent of laser eye surgery?

From my experience at COOK, it goes something like this:

Get a small group of decision-makers together for at least 36hrs (the overnight is important).

- Be well-prepared

- Be open-minded

- Be brutally honest

- Be thick-skinned

- Be generous

- Be prepared to let go

- Be all in

Having a framework to work within definitely helps.

And an experienced guide to lead you through it (of course).